Susanna Heron
new work, sculpture and photographs
7 November – 5 December 1992
Newlyn Art Gallery, Penzance, Cornwall
“Composition plays its part but, especially in the slate pieces and the earlier drawings on which many of them are based, it is a composed interdeterminacy. The lines happen to end up there, but suggest they could have been elsewhere, had you approached them a moment before or after. Likewise they could continue.” Greg Hilty
Exhibition installation of new work, sculpture and photographs at Newlyn Art Gallery 1992.
Seven vertical leaning slates and a horizontal floor piece were installed in the Upper Gallery and a series of twelve cibachrome photographs were exhibited in the Lower Gallery. The works recall the poetic text of Shima: Island and Garden which was published to coincide with the exhibition and which continues to inform the works that have followed.
Some of the engravings originate in drawings for the series of small bronze sculptures entitled ‘things unseen’ shown at Camden Arts Centre in 1989.